
オークランド, New Zealand
Power In Numbersはオークランドを拠点とする政府公認のイミグレーションアドバイザーの会社です。スタッフの平均在住歴は20年以上!オークランド大学へ通い、卒業し、移住を経験したスタッフとニュージーランド生まれで育ったスタッフのみで運営を行っています。







FAQ(Q&A):今後の海外からの採用(Future migrant employment)

いつ国境の制限が引き上げられるかについての政府の決定はありません(No decisions have been made by the Government on when the border restrictions will be lifted, but this is unlikely to happen at the same time that lockdown is lifted.)っていう文面が各質問の回答についてたんだけど省くね。

ロックダウン終了後、いつから海外から人を雇用できるのか(After the lockdown period is over how soon will we be able to employ migrant labour again from overseas?)七月・八月から働ける人材の面接はしてもいいのか(Should I still be interviewing and planning/recruiting for new migrants to come out in July / August?)


Any decision made in regards to employing migrant labour in the future will need to take into account the wider impacts of COVID-19, including any changes to the labour market.
In the short term employers should consider alternative solutions, for example employing someone already currently in New Zealand.

FAQ(Q&A):ビザの柔軟性(Visa flexibility)

VOCの質問:既に他の企業からワークビザをサポートしてもらっている人を雇った。移民局の審査が終わらない場合、ロックダウン終了後に即新しい会社で就業可能か(I have a worker on a temporary work visa transferring from another employer to me and who is due to start now. Can they start working for me at the end of the lockdown period if it is not processed by INZ in time?)

No. Work visa holders may only work for the employer(s) specified in their visa conditions until a Variation of Conditions or new visa has been granted.

労働時間の変更と給与の変化:雇用主とロックダウンの影響で労働時間と給与の減少に同意しました。ビザの条件を守る為には何をしたらいいですか(My employer and I have agreed to reduced hours and / or reduced pay during the lockdown. What do I need to do now to ensure that I am not in breach of my visa?)

政府は現在テンポラリーワークビザ(Essential Skills Work Visa等)保有者でCOVID-19の影響を受けた方への対応を検討中です。ただ、最優先事項はエッセンシャルサービスとなっています。
The Government is looking at options for temporary work visa holders who have been affected by COVID-19 and will make decisions as soon as possible. However, the priority at the moment is on ensuring the continuation of essential services. More information is available at www.immigration.govt.nz/about-us/covid-19/coronavirus-update-inz-response.

Low Skill Levelのワークビザ:Work and Incomeが閉まっているので、Skills Match Reportの発行が出来ません。Skills Match Reportの免除はありますか(We are unable to lodge a work visa application with the Skills Match Report because WINZ is closed. Will INZ waive this requirement?)

ケースバイケースで対応します。ワークビザの申請時にSkills Match Reportの発行ができなかったことを書いてください。
This will be on a case by case basis, and only in exceptional circumstances. You can still apply for a work visa and include an explanation noting you are currently unable to obtain a Skills Match Report.

減給とWork to Residence Work Visa:雇用主が、Work to Residence Work Visaの最低年収を下回ってしまう減給を求めています。今後のResidenceの申請に影響がありますか?(My employer is pressuring me to take a paycut. I hold a work to residence work visa. This will take me below the minimum base salary requirement. Will it impact my eligibility for residence? What if this is due to the 80% govt subsidy?)注:Work to Residence Workは居住権、永住権へ繋がるビザです。

To be granted residence, the applicant would need to have employment that meets immigration instructions. INZ has no discretion in terms of residence instructions.

4月2日から7月9日の間にビザの期限の人には延長があったけど、それ以降の人はどうなるの(Visas were automatically extended if they expired between 2 April and 9 July 2020 but what happens if the visa expires after that?)

The worker will need to either depart or apply for a further visa closer to the time of expiry.





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